In the oil and gas exploration, drilling, transportation, refining and long distance transport to the user's entire process can not do without steel, oil and gas drilling is the largest professional users of seamless steel tubes. The most expensive oil casing, the general use of yield strength of 400 ~ 800MPa carbon manganese steel and low alloy steel manufacturing. For oil and gas wells with acid gas (C02, C02 + H2S) and chloride ions (CL-) corrosion, corrosion resistant stainless steel is even required for oil wells and ducts with nickel based alloys, which are
316 stainless steel tube for oil and gas development has a wide range of applications in the field.
For example, the problem of CO2 corrosion in the process of oil and gas exploration has appeared in the 1950s. In the past, the use of preservatives was used to alleviate the problem. However, the corrosion inhibitor has always been unstable and its effect is worse when the temperature is high. There is a series of problems that the environment is polluted and the life cycle cost is higher than that of 316 stainless steel. With the depletion of oil and gas resources, oil and gas wells that have previously been abandoned and corrosive environments need to be reclaimed, especially since the oil crisis started in the early 1970s. With the development of offshore oil and gas (accounting for 44% of global oil and gas reserves) of the comprehensive development, C02 corrosion problems are more prominent, as the nearly 20 years in oil and gas development of anti-corrosion research key topics. Until the 1980s, especially in the development of the North Sea oil field, the use of
duplex stainless steel completely solved the long-standing problems.